Rion @RionHunter

Age 35, Male


Queensland, Australia

Joined on 8/3/06

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I have recently invested way too much time into trying to produce the most engaging, UX heavy writing environment - not to be confused with a text editing program. There are a million bajillion text editors but maybe 4 writing programs. If that.


And that's what this is and how it's different. Escapade is for aspiring writers that are struggling to get their first draft complete. 'Write Now, edit later' - at least; that's been the focus of the program thus far. It's going to be continued getting updated until it has all the tools all the other programs are lapsing in. I haven't got spellcheck yet tho. I've been putting it off because it's going to take ages to type out the whole dictionary.

I've pulled an all nighter tidying up the last batch of updates and getting it out, and if you've got the inclination I'd love it if you checked it out. (I can do heavy discounts if you're cool) and by check it out I mean consider buying it as I'm only just about to start getting into the actual promotional stuff now and I haven't made a video of it in action yet. Guess you'll just have to trust me that it's really cool.

I've just added a personal highscore board so users can compete against their own personal bests. Soon I'll be adding sprints, daily streak counters, screenplay writing mode and word generators. It's gonna pop off. Most of the hard work has gone into making modular systems behind the scenes so that the program almost entirely builds itself from its folder structure, and anything but the core system can be removed without so much as a ripple. This will result in the rate of new features increasing rapidly for the next bit as the systems are ironed out and ready to prove me wrong and crash a million times because I put a forward slash in a path string somewhere by mistake. But I'll work through those million crashes to bring the sturdiest piece of software out the other side so help me.

I haven't had the luxury to polish this as much as I have, but here we are six months into the year already and it's pretty much the only thing I've done this year. Eesh. invested all my 2022 eggs into making what could easily be perceived as the most common and simple type of software available. Fortunately I am blessed with a kind of faith in the end vision - in knowing that if the current products fall short of my needs; I know it must be the same for others. Niche as it may be. I will find them. and I will charge them somewhere between $12.50 to $25 for a writing program in 2022 because it's boutique and I'm baroque. once the screenplay mode lands that price tag's going to look pretty good, and if you think screenplay writing software is going to be staying at that price

Anyway that's pretty much me and all I've been doing for the past few months - how are you? What've you been up to? I'm sad I missed out on contributing to Pico day as I had a whole thing planned but alas Escapade took priority. Hopefully next year.

I must retire to my chambers now and see to the back of my eyelids. Thanks for your time. Especially Tom because I know you'll end up lurking past here - It's a front page post. Hey tom


Recent Game Medals

2,060 Points

Playah 50 Points

Play NG Stars

Cannibal 5 Points

Earn a heart from eating 4 enemy organs

December 1st 5 Points

Open the first present!

Prison Cell with a View 5 Points

Why do I punish myself?

Time to Make It! 5 Points

Play "Make it as an Artist"

Metallurgy 5 Points

Build the Smelter.

Infinite Space 5 Points

Build the Storehouse.

Shelter 5 Points

Build the Hut.

Fast Brains on Medium Board 10 Points

Solve a puzzle on a small board in less than 5 seconds.

Turtles 25 Points

Nobody likes a turtle!

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